
I was a moderator for a very popular web site devoted to our craft. The owner and administrator of that web site are good people. As an invited moderator I was under their authority when I post on that web site. I am truly blessed to have a small part in providing Biblical guidance and emotional comfort to those who request such via that web site.

God burdened my heart to go even further in offering some respite from the harshness of this life; therefore, I started this blog with the Lord's help. It is because of Him that this site exists.

The Bible says, Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Romans 14:1-5

The key sentence in the passage is: Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. I am persuaded that there are Christians who want to share the burdens of this earthly existence and encourage one another in the faith without having to be exposed to the filth and vulgarity that is so commonplace on web forums.

Here is a resting place for those who want to be a part of something good, and clean, and pure. The Bible says, Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40 That is how this forum will be conducted.

There is one simple rule. The Bible says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

I encourage everyone to post. Post that which is good. Abstain from posting anything that has even the appearance of evil.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Correct or Corrupt

by R.D. Sandlin

I am not as concerned with the outward “fashion of this world,” entering into the Church as I am with its philosophy creeping in. Outward fashions come and go; they pass away. But philosophy is ingrained in the inner-man, and controls all his decisions.

We should not be surprised by anything the world does. After all, the leper cannot change his spots or the Ethiopian his skin. But we should be shocked when the world’s philosophy of political correctness is transferred into our assemblies, and we become “religiously correct” instead of Biblically governed.

I believe this is one of the purposes of the modern-day translators. It seems they believe God needs a vocabulary that fits with their idea of correctness. He must not offend secular man with His sacred Words.

Humanism is deifying man and humanizing God; there seem to be many Christian humanists today.